Wednesday, December 9, 2009

When you are young, God seems to always hear your prayers

Does anyone ever remember when they were young and your prayers always seem to be answered? I mean, not all prayers of course, but some (which is good enough as far as I’m concerned). I know not everyone agrees with me, but I believe more prayers are answered when we were younger than when we are adults. Maybe it’s because our requests are simpler when we are young and our expectations less complicated. When I say young I mean right from the time we gain a level of understanding about life and God to know that there is a higher entity we can call out to e.g. probably from 3 or 4 years old onwards. I was not born a Christian, my mother was converted by our Catholic neighbors when I was 15 years old when my father was based in Kuching Sarawak. Of course being a ‘mama’s boy’ (as I am still known today) I followed (my father converted only 10 years later). But even before then, while growing up, the concept of Christianity and ‘God’ was all around me and slowly influencing me, so following my mother seemed a natural progression. When I was about 10, I remember desiring one of those ‘air-fix’ model airplanes i.e. the type where you have to use glue to piece together. I was playing inside my mother’s car, and I took a rubber band that I found, popped my head out the window and shot the rubber band into the sky saying in my heart “God, if you can hear me, I want an air-fix”. Sounds silly, but that’s what I did, and later that day, we went shopping somewhere and mom actually bought me an air-fix! Maybe it was a simple fact that I asked for it when I saw it and mom decided it was cheap enough and bought it for me, but the fact is I asked…and I received. God doesn’t always answer our prayers with wondrous signs and wonders, with pomp and pageantry or explosions and fireworks. Sometimes God answers us in ways that seem so natural and common place that we don’t realize the hand of God is involved. That is just an example of the simple things I asked God for when I was little, and God really answered. Of course as I grew older, I would ask for more complicated things - for deliverance from situations and for certain achievements, and invariably God wouldn’t say ’Yes’ so readily. I guess that’s life. I don’t have the answers. Maybe when we are little we are more innocent and have less accumulated sin than when we are older. Maybe God just loves children so much that He readily grants their wishes, and it’s probably easy to grant them because children usually ask for very harmless things like: God grant me a toy, bring my parents home safely, bring me a friend to play with etc. Just imagine you have two children who beg you to take them to the mall and give them some money: one is your 3 year old daughter who wants to sit the merry go-round at the children’s area at a dollar a ride, and the other is your 16 year old daughter who just maxed out your supplementary credit card and scored poor grades in her exams, she wants to go shopping. You love both children, and you will undoubtedly give them both the best in life. But who are you more likely to give in to? Is God like that? Maybe.